Thursday, June 03, 2004

Opening Salvo

Welcome to my forum to rant, postulate, digress, and generally comment, without any repercussion, on anything that happens to move me. I expect this will cover politics, pop culture, sports, books, social interactions, and anything else that happens to bug me that day. Hopefully this Blog will be humorous, long-lived, irreverent, prescient, and occasionally thought-provoking. If anyone ever happens to read any of this, feel free to comment on anything (except spelling and grammar) without any fear of physical reprisal.

I will open by saying I just returned this evening from a nice five-day vacation in SF with my family. Generally, had a great time. Took in a Giants game (they really know how to market a team). Saw most of the sites. Cruised the Bay. The kids had a great time. We rented these talking go-cart things one afternoon (, which was really the highlight of the trip. Went to Napa one afternoon with the kids. Big mistake. Not really anything for them to do, so they went a little berserk in the car on the way back. Very hot up there in the summer. If anyone from SF needs a reprieve from the cold wet summer in the city, just drive an hour north, and you'll be is hot as Ali Baba and his forty thieves. Great City. Wish I lived there (along with a half-dozen other places).

A few observations:

I hadn't really followed the Scott Peterson case at all except for one article in VF about six months ago. The SF paper is covering it closely and the opening arguments began this week. I'm no attorney, but based on what I read in the paper, he may be a cad and a real scum but it doesn't sound like they have any real evidence that he killed his wife. He certainly isn't the first dude to cheat on his wife, but that doesn't make him a murderer. It sounds like the Modesto police really f'd up the investigation and pretty quickly eliminated all other suspects, and so now they are stuck prosecuting a case with a lot of coincidences but no physical evidence. I will definitely be following the case now.

I noticed a few fat people out there. I thought the major cities would be free of serious obesity but I was wrong. Definitely less than here and other places, but still there nonetheless. I just don't know how these fat people can get through the day. They truly have no shame.

Well that is it for my opening statement. As I get more comfortable with the forum, I will become more provocative.

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