Wednesday, February 14, 2007

PCP in the 21st Century

What is the new PCP - post-coital protocol - for this communication age? A full length phone call filled with disingenous cooings the next day about how great and meaningful the sex was the night before (and there definitely couldn't be a latency of more than two days) was required as little as 10 years ago, if you expected to taste that again. Today you can get by with a quick text message. In fact texting and email has reduced the need for all kinds of conversations in the dating world. Text a few missives during the day, arrange the time and place, and then show up buy drinks and dinner and then hit the sack. Another win for mankind. And the beautiful thing is that now you can even claim to be avoiding the dreaded phone call by claiming that the reason you aren't one for much talking is because you only have a cell phone and you are doing your part to save the honeybees.

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